Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Peaches peaches everywhere!!

Well, not yet. Hoping though by next year. We bought ourselves a peach tree!! Spent the majority of the day pulling up this pole thingy in the back yard, only to move the hole a few feet from it and having to re dig. Nothing like making more work for yourself, but it's planted and hopefully by  next year, producing. We should at least get some pretty flowers this year if anything on it. I love nature. I love planting. It's a lot of work though but I did make sure to grab a handful of dirt and take a big ol wiff. It was lovely! Here are some pics.
Pulling the pole thingy out the only way we know how.

Gathering manure while the "source" looks on.

Holding the truck down.

Yay tree!

So moving on, I also re discovered one of my older cookbooks, circa 1971. I love the old recipes and want more of them. Will have to start hitting up flea markets soon. Anyway, that's our adventure for now. Soon we'll be planting strawberries too and then tilling the garden. I can't wait! But I must dash and pick up the younin's. Until next time my loves.

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