Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring?? Maybe? Sorta? ok...

Hey guys! Well tapping out a quick one before I have to boogie up to the school again for today's DI performance. We didn't make it to state unfortunately but that's sorta a good thing as I've had my fill of DI for one season. Crazy enough I will most likely do it again next year. That's because I believe in the program. It enforces creativity which is something today's youth seems to lack. It is exausting though.
So as I sit here at my dining room table, I am surrounded by cookies. Boxes and boxes of cookies that I cannot eat. :( They are for the school's carnival tomorrow, and I'm still not done. I have about 150 more to make. *sigh* Plus have to pick up about 200 bags of potato chips today as well. Fun times lemme tell ya.
The princess started soccer yesterday, and she loves it!!! She's a natural too. Macgyver has to run out tomorrow and buy her shin gaurds though and so hopefully they're not all that expensive. Her uniform is adorable though. Pink, her favorite color. She looks adorable in it too!
Other than carnival and soccer, we've been just kinda flitting around from one activity to another. Not really home enough to blog but still trying to fit it in. Well it's that time again. I must flee. Will write more and hopefully not be so scattered next time. Until then..

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey guys, well what can I say? This life I live is a crazy one indeed. Lately I've been so busy that sitting down and having a regular thought has totally become unattainable. I've been working really hard with my DI kids in preparation for our tournament on Saturday. We have to drive all the way to Potter which is by  mapquest's calculatons 1 hour and 47 minutes. Not only that but we have to spend the entire day there. I mean granted it might be entertaining, but I have to keep track of 5 kids all day and it's going to wear on me. Watch, I will probably have white hair by the end of the day. Oh well at least it's almost over. Unless we make it to state which is a good chance we will. And if we do, I will be proud because this is my first time coaching DI and it would be a pretty neat accomplishment to bring home a state title to the school for our division. I'm totally doing a pizza party for the rugrats tomorrow after school, and hopefully we nail our final practice.
Also on the agenda, is the school's carnival. I know I've blogged before about it, but this seems to be an ever pressing matter in my life these days. Right now we're dealing with collecting all the donations, ticket sales, and trying to find decorations for our " Panther Pirate Party" Which we will have neither our school mascot or colors, or pirates. It's going to go with our old themes we've had before, but nobody seems to be particulary worried about it. I feel really bad for the HELP club president because she's been stressing out a lot over this carnival. I guess I know what position I DON'T want next year. haha I'm good with being a worker ant, not so much the leader. I'd lead us all off a cliff I'm just that absent minded. But again, I'm off subject. I'm not worried about the carnival, at least my part is done. I just have to collect everything. I'm pretty stoked we managed to get 31 pizzas donated though. It's going to be a good time. I "volun-told" Macgyver that he was going to grill 240 hot dogs for me. bwahahahahaha That'll teach him to annoy the cheese outta me.
After carnival comes soccer season. Yes I've become that mom. I'm quite certain I will be the one bringing snacks and trying to help out in any way I can. That's just the type of person I am though. I like to help and if I can help my child or any child for that matter get a better experience out of something, I will. We shall see how the princess takes to running all over a field kicking a ball. Should be some interesting pictures anyway to come.
Speaking of pictures, I was reading a frugal blog today and came across pictures of this blogger's pantry and freezer. So I decided to snap my own. This is the day of grocery shopping mind you, even though it looks somewhat empty I promise you there's enough food in the freezer and pantry and fridge to last 13 days for 4 people. You will have to turn your head for these as I can't figure out how to move them.

My lovely fridge.

Have fun playing " I spy with my little eye" with my pics. I know I did!
My inlaws come to town tomorrow too. yay.. can you feel my enthusiasm?? I haven't done one single thing to get this house in order either so tomorrow will be cleaning cleaning cleaning! Oh well, no rest for the wicked.
I'm trying to set up a playdate with like 6 kids on Sunday, but lo and behold just as I got everybody on the same page as to when to get here, soccer coaches called up telling me first practice was on that exact date and time. Lucky me. Now I get to scramble to try to find everyone and get them rescheduled. Ohh woe is me.. I asked for this though when I decided to become more involved in society. I can't complain too much though because having things to do is just so much nicer than sitting on my ass moping about being bored all the time. I can honestly say Nebraska hasn't been boring yet. I mean sure there are days that I just feel like drag on forever, but those days are very few. I think I might actually *like* living here. *cringes* We'll see though. Ask me again in a few years how I feel.
So I was talking to MacGyver the other day about our plans for the summer garden. The topic of goats came up and I think we might actually get some. I know we'll probably get some chickens. I'm kinda excited about this because chickens would give us fresh eggs, and I'm sure we can figure out how to use the goats. I mean they'd be able to keep our grass down to a managable level and maybe one day we can actually find a liking to thier milk. I dunno though. At least they'd make cool pets for the kids. I would LOVE to get the ones that fall over and play dead when you scare them. That would be good times.
Can you believe I've lived here almost 2 years already? I know I can't. Life has certainly picked up. Summer time will be full of swimming and picnicks and parks, and bike riding and all that comes with it. I'm going to make sure of it.
We are planning a trip to Colorado in June to go panning for gold. We're going to be staying at the same campground we stayed at when we went to see Mt.Rushmore. It was a very pretty campground and I'm glad to be going back to it and exploring the town. Who knows, we might even get lucky and hit gold. Weee!! Maybe.. it could happen stop laughing!
I know my thoughts are all over the place but I'm pretty tired and that usually happens when I'm tired. My brain just needs to turn off, but there's probably no chance at that happening. I can try though. So with that being said.. until next time!!! Nebraska mom OUT!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pretty pictures and life in general

What can I say? Life ain't half bad at the moment. Things are picking up and it seems like I can never sit still, and the kids are happy and generally healthy and Macgyver and I are as well. Soon enough we will be able to break ground and start our garden. There's nothing like the smell of fresh earth in your hands and watching your plants grow and flourish. Some people are impatient when they put plants in the ground, but not me. Everyday it's a new discovery. Which seeds grow the fastest, watching the soil turn from brown to green to jungle like. Walking in between the rows and plucking the delicious fruit you've waited so long for. Taking that fist bite of a home grown tomatoe. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Our garden is going to be MUCH bigger this year too. Trying lots of new veggies in hopes that they actually grow and we can cut down our grocery bill. I might have to get back into canning too, but that will be an experience.
It's eerie out. A sort of eerie fog has fallen on my piece of land and draped everything in a wet mist. I like it though. Makes you feel safe, and secure. Like a hug from the clouds. These are the days I like to go walking..when the fog hides you from the world. Course logically it's probably pretty dangerous but poetically it's romantic. I love the way the mist clings to my skin too, making me feel like I'm part of the fog. But anyways, I digress.
Been really really super duper busy lately which is good because then the depressive thoughts do not enter my head as often. Why depressed? I dunno, I guess I've always been. It's not one thing in particular and it's not crippling, just a sort of sadness I feel from time to time where I just want to be alone and sulk. I usually get over it pretty quick though and I do tend to look at the brighter sides of life. I mean I have so many things to be happy about, so I just focus on those. Still, the dark clouds are always in the forecast. It's cool though, I've delt with them for 30 years, I can deal with them for 60 more. ( give or take a few ) Anywho, I don't really have much on my  mind other than all the crap I have to get done in the next few weeks, and I've already told yall about that, so I will now awe your senses with a few pictures I snapped this morning of the fog. Enjoy!!!
Everything's blue!

A taterman in the fog.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sick kiddos and Carnival time!

Hey guys, well I know it's been a few days, but bare with me. Been a lot going on.
I have a sick kid, and anybody with kids know it's never fun when they're sick. Running a fever, puking, whining. UGH. I know it's going around but it feels like sickness goes around A LOT these days. I mean A LOT. Is this the new form of biochemical war fare? I do have to wonder at times.
Other than that, I've been really busy trying to plan the menu for the school's carnival and get local places to donate food items. So far so good. I've managed to secure 16 pizzas, a case of chicken fingers, condiments, hamburger buns, orange drink, cups, potatoe chips, and lots and lots of desserts. So far I'm doing much better than the person who did it last year as so far, everything has been donated. PLUS we have a little over 100 bucks donated as well for things we need that we can't get donated. *happy dance* It's been stressful but all in all, a good experience. I've also been dealing with trying to get my Destination Imagination kids ready for competition on the 26th of this month. It's been a trip thats' for sure. I don't know what bug crawled up thier butts but it feels like I can't even controll them much these days. Oh well, it'll be over soon. *sigh*
The weather is turning a bit nicer here. We're not waking up to sub zero temps so that's always a good thing. I'm very eager to get in the garden and start plowing. I have friends who are already buying seed and tilling and I'm jealous. I want to do that! I would love to open my windows and air out my house. It's all stale and wintery here. Blahh
Soccer for the girl starts soon after the carnival. So April and May will be full of that. Then June we're taking a family vacation up to Colorado to go gold mining. Would be nice if we could find some. As it stands we're still hard pressed for money just like everybody else. I'm wondering how much more America will stand for all of this greed. Seems like the government keeps pushing us, and pushing us, and foriegn policy keeps pushing us.. I mean, it's only a matter of time before we snap right? I know personally, I'm getting really tired of paying the politicians pay checks when I can't even afford half the things I NEED for my own household. Gas for my car has gotten outrageous. I put 16 dollars in and only moved it a little bit. This isn't good for someone who lives in the country and needs to drive everywhere. I feel like America's fate is just teetering. I guess we'll see if it gets turned around or not. I sure hope so. Don't want to have to revert back to pioneer days when you had to stake your claim and protect it. Anywhoozles, that's about it for me. I need to go wake a kid up and get him on the bus.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sapphire Eyes

Blazing right through  me, through my soul, leaving scorch marks. Delightful in the pain. So blue, deeper blue than the deepest depths of the ocean. A deep ocean that holds the most tantalizing secrets. Reaching further into me than any ever has, and warming my soul with the most enriching light. Your laugher like the first birdsong in spring, waking up everything that lay slumber til you arrived. My body reacts, and the energy runs through my veins. Electric blue. Sapphire blue. Like two gems placed upon the crown of perfection. Shining brighter than the sun. The slow burn is a plesant one. I long to stare into them, losing my very being with reckless abandonment, but knowing I will forever be safe. No words are ever spoken, the Sapphires say it all.

Friday, March 4, 2011

For someone

I feel like a ghost in this world, without you by my side to make my reality real. Each of my senses a dulled version of what could be if only. The minutes tick by mockingly, and each one like a sledgehammer to my skull. All of this is madness, and I'm driven to the brink. I can see you there, with your arms out, waiting for me to fall into them, but I never take the plunge. Your mouth forms the words, but your voice is a hollow wind that brings naught a sound to these deaf ears. My eyes do not see, cept in your direction, where the aura shines brightly. I am blinded, so I stumble, deaf, and dumb. In no particular direction, but knowing for sure I am lost. I will never find my way, the beacon has turned away and shines in another direction. I feel cold without the sun upon my face, kissing my eyelids, making them flutter with warmth. My body a shell that echos with despair. Each bone aches and vibrates with sadness for the one I long for. My muse has left, and only cobwebs hang where the sun once shone. Only darkness. Only cold. Only the ticking of that blasted clock. I pray the next reality is not so cruel. I pray one day to feel the beating of your heart next to my cool cheek. I pray all these things, but this life, I am to live without.. alive, but not really living.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Something I'm randomly thinking about....

Love, it's a random feeling. Something you feel in your body that runs from the bottom of your toes to the tip of your nose. It's not that romanticized feeling that you lust and want, it's the feeling of KNOWING. Knowing that you could not survive one day on this planet without the other person or persons. Love isn't selfish and isn't confined to one person. Your heart can love as freely as it wishes, and you can love as you wish. Love is a fingerprint that does not match any other, and when you leave it, it's your mark on someone's soul. Love makes you do stupid things. Love is not biased, for it will shed pain on you at some point. You will feel like you're breaking in two, and you cannot go on, but love fixes itself. Love is the diseas that makes you sick and the cure that fixes you. Love is hipocritical, and spiteful. Love is most definately mis understood. Love is not all you need, and love is all you need. Love is something you don't realize you're in til it's gone, and something you inexpicably feel though not quite knowing how to put your finger on. Love is that taste in your mouth after a sweet kiss, or the sun on your eyelids as you snooze in the sun. Love is the breeze that blows through your hair as you laugh at a joke a friend spoke of. Love is realizing you will never get that moment back and yet somehow, it's ok because you always make new ones and remember the old ones fondly. Love just is. There's no stopping it, there's no denying it exists. Love is a many splendid thing, but the most pain you will ever know. Love just is.

The day after the beginning of the rest of my life....

So yesterday I turned 30. Everybody says that once you hit 30, your life changes, and you grow into yourself. Personally, I don't feel any different. The normal aches and pains of my 20s seem to have followed me here, and I guess all in all, I can't complain too much. I'm falling apart, but the journey so far has been worth it. Currently I am sitting home alone, listening to the cat snarf away at her cat food, and the dogs roam around the house bored. I feel thier pain. My family left hours ago on a trip to Kansas City and I opted to stay home and watch the mutts. It's relaxing but depressing at the same time. I miss my heathens.
The bright side is, I'm home alone..which means nobody to yell at, nobody to have to share my treats with, and I can do what I want! Though it's not really as glorious as it sounds. When you're used to the chaos, not having it just makes you feel.. lonely. OH WELL
We're supposed to get an icky storm tonight, that is supposed to bring with it ice and sleet. I went to walmart earlier and stocked up on a few essentials, ( dill chips and pizza yeahh!!! ) , and now bunkering down. Macgyver bought me a one hour massage out in town for tomorrow but I'm sure if the weather is as icky as they say it's going to be, I will have to reschedule. I don't mind though. Nowhere I have to be. One advantage of being so far out in the country is that you get back to what the basics really mean. Hanging out nightly with family, seting up your routines. I know that when I blink, my children will be older and having kids of thier own, and macgyver and I will be old and grey. I'm just cherishing the time I do have.
The princess has really started clinging to me lately and I'm not quite sure why. She makes me walk her to class in the morning and then she always says " I wish you could stay/eat lunch with me". I can't always stay though and it breaks her little heart. She didn't have an issue with this at the beginning of the year though. The wee man ( son ) was on the verge of tears today because I was not going with them on thier trip. He has been clinging to me too. The only thing I can think of is that ever since I got sick back in September, they have been really scared I will go away, and so they want to cling to me to make sure it doesn't happen. It was a scary time, and I haven't delt with it at all. I am making sure I stay healthy though, they need me around and magyver needs someone around to remind him to stop and eat once in a while. This house would fall into complete chaos if I wasn't here to maintain it. At least I know I'm important. Anywhoozles...
Spring is getting closer, but I think it's going to need a kick in the ass to come fully. Today it was 65 degrees! And tonight, 25 with freezing rain. I'm not quite sure what Nebraska is thinking having such wonky weather but it needs to STOP. I want to warm my toes in the sun already!!
Speaking of random subjects, I've been really working hard trying to get everything prepared for the school carnival. It's a lot to deal with and trying to get donations from people is like pulling teeth. I have faith it will all come together though. Hopefully...maybe... Yeah I have the faith.Meanwhile still trying to get my team prepared for competition on the 26th. My team meaning 5 4th and 5th graders. It's nerve racking because they are so hyper and wound up when I get them, but again, I have the faith it will go smoothly. So many things happening. April 2nd I will breathe a huge sigh of reliefe I'm sure. Anyway, I'm off now, to sit in the silence and ponder my mortality.