Tuesday, May 17, 2011


As I sit here and type this, the turkeys are singing a very loud morning song. It always cracks me up to hear them react to each other as they do. One will start whistling and then the other 2 will do it in response. It's amazing to me how animals can develop such personalities. We've name them by the way. Tyson, Hercules, and Dora. Tyson is he alpha male as it would seem. He's the dare devil that will attempt to fly, and ends up crash landing in the process. He's the loudest, and the one with the most feathers. Dora is the only female of the group ( we think ) and the meanest. She pecks Hercules, and steps on every body's heads and steals their treats. Then there's poor little Hercules. The other male, ( we think ) and the most submissive of the three. Dora has been pecking his behind for a while now, and as a result, it's pretty gruesome. I've had to save him from Macgyver wanting to dispose of him, and I separated him from the other two, in hopes that he can heal. So far he looks like he's doing ok. He's still eating, and drinking and grooming and chirping and moving around alright, it's just his underside that looks gross. So here's hoping he heals. In other news, the end of school is in sight. Only two more days. I'm not really happy about this. Not because I'll have kids home all summer, but because I feel like they are growing up way too fast. My babies are not babies anymore. They're growing and learning and becoming adults. Although I know not for a long time yet, but still. Not happy.
In other news, I'm not sure if our garden is going to survive. It has been nothing but chilly and windy for the past since we've planted it. The tomatoe plants are laying on their sides, and some of the leaves on the other plants are yellow and curled. I've tried to water them just enough and not drown them, but with the rain we had, and the weather, I don't know. If we get any crop this year, it'll be amazing. I REALLY want a sturdy green house honestly, to keep the plants safe from the elements, but that would be REALLY expensive. Not sure why it's so windy either. I mean I know Nebraska is windy, but I don't remember it being THIS windy for THIS long. Today it's supposed to be a warm 68 but it won't feel like it because the wind gusts are supposed to be as high as 40mph. I'm about tired of it all. We shall see if mother nature decides to calm down or not.
Also, in a few weeks, we will be going on vacation. I can't wait. We're going to go to Colorado to go gold panning. Should be an interesting experience. Don't worry if we strike it rich I'll let yall know.
Ok well my attention is now diverted, so more later.Until next time.

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