Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey guys, well what can I say? This life I live is a crazy one indeed. Lately I've been so busy that sitting down and having a regular thought has totally become unattainable. I've been working really hard with my DI kids in preparation for our tournament on Saturday. We have to drive all the way to Potter which is by  mapquest's calculatons 1 hour and 47 minutes. Not only that but we have to spend the entire day there. I mean granted it might be entertaining, but I have to keep track of 5 kids all day and it's going to wear on me. Watch, I will probably have white hair by the end of the day. Oh well at least it's almost over. Unless we make it to state which is a good chance we will. And if we do, I will be proud because this is my first time coaching DI and it would be a pretty neat accomplishment to bring home a state title to the school for our division. I'm totally doing a pizza party for the rugrats tomorrow after school, and hopefully we nail our final practice.
Also on the agenda, is the school's carnival. I know I've blogged before about it, but this seems to be an ever pressing matter in my life these days. Right now we're dealing with collecting all the donations, ticket sales, and trying to find decorations for our " Panther Pirate Party" Which we will have neither our school mascot or colors, or pirates. It's going to go with our old themes we've had before, but nobody seems to be particulary worried about it. I feel really bad for the HELP club president because she's been stressing out a lot over this carnival. I guess I know what position I DON'T want next year. haha I'm good with being a worker ant, not so much the leader. I'd lead us all off a cliff I'm just that absent minded. But again, I'm off subject. I'm not worried about the carnival, at least my part is done. I just have to collect everything. I'm pretty stoked we managed to get 31 pizzas donated though. It's going to be a good time. I "volun-told" Macgyver that he was going to grill 240 hot dogs for me. bwahahahahaha That'll teach him to annoy the cheese outta me.
After carnival comes soccer season. Yes I've become that mom. I'm quite certain I will be the one bringing snacks and trying to help out in any way I can. That's just the type of person I am though. I like to help and if I can help my child or any child for that matter get a better experience out of something, I will. We shall see how the princess takes to running all over a field kicking a ball. Should be some interesting pictures anyway to come.
Speaking of pictures, I was reading a frugal blog today and came across pictures of this blogger's pantry and freezer. So I decided to snap my own. This is the day of grocery shopping mind you, even though it looks somewhat empty I promise you there's enough food in the freezer and pantry and fridge to last 13 days for 4 people. You will have to turn your head for these as I can't figure out how to move them.

My lovely fridge.

Have fun playing " I spy with my little eye" with my pics. I know I did!
My inlaws come to town tomorrow too. yay.. can you feel my enthusiasm?? I haven't done one single thing to get this house in order either so tomorrow will be cleaning cleaning cleaning! Oh well, no rest for the wicked.
I'm trying to set up a playdate with like 6 kids on Sunday, but lo and behold just as I got everybody on the same page as to when to get here, soccer coaches called up telling me first practice was on that exact date and time. Lucky me. Now I get to scramble to try to find everyone and get them rescheduled. Ohh woe is me.. I asked for this though when I decided to become more involved in society. I can't complain too much though because having things to do is just so much nicer than sitting on my ass moping about being bored all the time. I can honestly say Nebraska hasn't been boring yet. I mean sure there are days that I just feel like drag on forever, but those days are very few. I think I might actually *like* living here. *cringes* We'll see though. Ask me again in a few years how I feel.
So I was talking to MacGyver the other day about our plans for the summer garden. The topic of goats came up and I think we might actually get some. I know we'll probably get some chickens. I'm kinda excited about this because chickens would give us fresh eggs, and I'm sure we can figure out how to use the goats. I mean they'd be able to keep our grass down to a managable level and maybe one day we can actually find a liking to thier milk. I dunno though. At least they'd make cool pets for the kids. I would LOVE to get the ones that fall over and play dead when you scare them. That would be good times.
Can you believe I've lived here almost 2 years already? I know I can't. Life has certainly picked up. Summer time will be full of swimming and picnicks and parks, and bike riding and all that comes with it. I'm going to make sure of it.
We are planning a trip to Colorado in June to go panning for gold. We're going to be staying at the same campground we stayed at when we went to see Mt.Rushmore. It was a very pretty campground and I'm glad to be going back to it and exploring the town. Who knows, we might even get lucky and hit gold. Weee!! Maybe.. it could happen stop laughing!
I know my thoughts are all over the place but I'm pretty tired and that usually happens when I'm tired. My brain just needs to turn off, but there's probably no chance at that happening. I can try though. So with that being said.. until next time!!! Nebraska mom OUT!

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